Why I Got Rid of Adsense

I had a Google ad on this blog for a couple weeks, but no more. Why? Well, my original thought was that even though I'm anticonsumerist, I'm not anti-commerce. And besides, I could use a little extra trickle of money for my time. It turned out that the ads popping up on my site were more funny than anything. I have an article about the foolishness of renting rims, for example. The Google ad that popped up was a link to a place where you can rent rims 24 hours a day. Nice. I should have left it up just for the irony.
And I would have, but I decided that it really goes against the philosophy of this blog to advertise for things I'm lambasting. Plus, nobody is going to actually click on those ads, anyway. At least, nobody who reads anticonsumerist websites.
So, goodbye, Adsense. I think you're a good idea for some, but I'm not going to sell any rims on my site. And readers, if you like what you see, please just link me into your sites and tell others. It's not all about the Benjamins, after all.